Video Demonstration

Step by Step
Soften with heat
Remove the ball of wax from the packaging and drop it in to a glass of warm water. The water should be noticeably warm but not boiling.
Leave it to heat and soften for around 1-2 minutes.

Ready, set, press

Press the wax against the area you want to make an impression of.
To make a fingerprint, squeeze the wax between the finger and thumb, forming the finger print impression.
When children are very small they have very faint fingerprints, so if you cannot see, you could try an impression of their nail.To do so, simply press the ball against their nail. Your fingerprint will appear on the other side, which makes a nice connection between two people.
You could also experiment with making impressions of teeth marks, stones, a dog's claw or other objects with an interesting shape or significant meaning to you.

If you are not happy with your print, simply put it back in to the warm water to soften, roll it back in to a ball and try again.

Return wax to be cast

Once happy with your print, leave to cool for 2 minutes.
Carefully place into a small zip lock bag and then place into the jewellery box from the kit. Tuck the hard seal to the bag behind the cushion inside the jewellery box, so it does not press against the soft wax print, when inside the box. (see image).
Be careful not to mark the wax with any additional pressure, as the wax is still soft so it can change shape.
Please include your name and address in the package, so it can be returned to you.
Delivery Address:
Asger Rygs Gade, 9, 3th, 1727 København V.
N.b. It is possible to gold plate your piece for 300,- and cast in solid gold please indicate if you would like to do so when returning the package.
The Alchemy
Once we receive your package, we will cast, polish it and post it back to you, hung on your very own personalised necklace.
Looking forward to seeing it :)